Yakima Town Hall

Yakima Town Hall - Jimmy Chin

Jimmy Chin

April 23, 2025 • 11:00am

Jimmy Chin is a top sports and adventure photographer, Academy Award-winning filmmaker, and mountain sports athlete known for his ability to capture extraordinary imagery while climbing and skiing in extremely high-risk environments. As a filmmaker, his years of experience in the adventure and extreme sports world enables him to bring an authentic and unique perspective to his storytelling. His 2015 film Meru won the coveted Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival and was on the 2016 Oscar shortlist for Best Documentary. Chin co-directed Free Solo in 2018 which won the Academy Award for Best documentary in 2018, and the recently released Nyad, which features past Yakima Town Hall speaker and long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad.

Thanks to our generous sponsors!
Bale Breaker
Diane Murphy
Legends Casino
Northwest Public Broadcasting
Tommy & Justine Hanses

"I very much enjoyed the lively Yakima Town Hall group which made sharing my experiences a great pleasure. Many thanks for the invitation and I will try to keep in touch from time to time with developments from Kenya." - Louise Leakey, Leakey Family Dynasty Pioneer/Paleoanthropologist

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