Yakima Town Hall

Yakima Town Hall - Where in the World Is Dr. Jane Goodall? Yakima, Washington!

News Release!  Where in the World Is Dr. Jane Goodall?  Yakima, Washington! 

After months of negotiation, Yakima Town Hall has signed world-renowned primatologist and humanitarian, Dr. Jane Goodall for their 2011-12 season!! Year 2010 marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Jane Goodall’s ground-breaking research on primates. Not only is Dr. Goodall the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees, as founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, she is easily one of the world’s most recognized and beloved humanitarians who champions not only animal welfare and rights, but also ecological conservation efforts. These efforts include the organization “Roots and Shoots,” a program about making positive change happen in our communities. This network connects youth of all ages who share a desire to create a better world.  Dr. Goodall explains the organization’s unusual moniker, and its effectiveness, thus: 

Roots creep underground everywhere and make a firm foundation. Shoots seem very weak, but to reach the light, they can break open brick walls. Imagine that the brick walls are all the problems we have inflicted on our planet. Hundreds of thousands of roots & shoots, hundreds of thousands of young people around the world, can break through these walls. We CAN change the world.                      
                                                                                      - Dr. Goodall

Dr. Goodall appeared on TV’s 60 Minutes on October 24, 2010. Also, the October 2010 issue of National Geographic, the magazine which introduced Goodall and her work to the world, featured the story, “Being Jane Goodall.” To miss this unique opportunity to see and hear Dr. Jane Goodall at Yakima Town Hall’s 2011-12 series will be a lifetime regret. Ticket series* go on sale the day of the last Town Hall speaker, Shawn Anchor, April 13, 2011.

*The Town Hall series also offers to its season ticket holders at an additional cost, a series of luncheons where they can enjoy even more intimate time with each speaker. A limited number of lunches are sold to series ticket holders only, are available only as a series, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Posted November 09, 2010

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Bale Breaker
Diane Murphy
Legends Casino
Northwest Public Broadcasting
Tommy & Justine Hanses

"What a wonderful experience. I would like to steal the Town Hall Board as this is one of the most professional and functional groups I've ever interacted with. I have several other Board associations and they could learn a thing or two from you." - P.J. O'Rourke, Journalist, Correspondent, Political Satirist

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