Yakima Town Hall

Yakima Town Hall - Speaker Bio

Geena Davis

Geena Davis

• Academy Award-winning Actress

A Conversation with Geena Davis

More than just an Academy Award winning actress, Geena Davis is a member of the Mensa society and a semifinalist for the US Olympic trials in archery. She is also founder of the non-profit Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, with the groundbreaking See Jane project for children's programming. No matter what she sets out to achieve, her passion is the reason she is making a difference in the world. Spoke at Town Hall on October 2, 2013.

Watch a video about Geena Davis »

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"I very much enjoyed the lively Yakima Town Hall group which made sharing my experiences a great pleasure. Many thanks for the invitation and I will try to keep in touch from time to time with developments from Kenya." - Louise Leakey, Leakey Family Dynasty Pioneer/Paleoanthropologist

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