Yakima Town Hall

Yakima Town Hall - Chuck Underwood

Chuck Underwood


Chuck Underwood, the founder and principal of Ohio-based generational consulting firm The Generational Imperative, Inc., is one of the half-dozen people who pioneered and popularized the field of generational study and generational business strategies. In addition, Mr. Underwood stars in the PBS television mini-series America’s Generations With Chuck Underwood. 

Thanks to our generous sponsors!
Bale Breaker
Diane Murphy
Legends Casino
Northwest Public Broadcasting
Tommy & Justine Hanses

"I very much enjoyed the lively Yakima Town Hall group which made sharing my experiences a great pleasure. Many thanks for the invitation and I will try to keep in touch from time to time with developments from Kenya." - Louise Leakey, Leakey Family Dynasty Pioneer/Paleoanthropologist

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